Why Taking a Break Can Be Good for Business


We all need to rest – it’s just the way humans are built. Our brains, our bodies, they’re capable of amazing things in the face of adversity, but taking care of both pays off. 

There are plenty of advice columns and podcasts about how to nail the perfect work/life balance but ultimately, the most important thing to acknowledge and make time for in this balance is rest. Not least because the whole experience of living through lockdown has been a real drain on everyone’s energy.   

It might sound counterintuitive to say that the most important part of work is rest. So why is taking a break the most important thing to focus on? We’ll tell you.   

Taking a break can be good for your business   

Running your own business can use up a lot of energy and at times, having to manage every granular aspect of your day-to-day can make it harder to see the bigger picture. This prevents us from thinking strategically, looking ahead and making decisions that will pay off in the long term.  

Taking time off helps with big-picture thinking. Pulling back also helps to hone delegation skills and your ability to prioritise as a leader. If you're able to pass essential tasks over with clarity and allow someone else to take the reins, for however brief a time, this can allow for new energy and perspectives and fresh eyes on the business when you return.    

What counts as a break?   

Whether it be a long weekend away or a day-long digital detox, lunch with like minded entrepreneurs or two weeks on the beach, a break is any time that you take for yourself. There’s no correct way to take time off so regardless of what anyone else is doing or how much or little time they seem to be taking, do what feels right for you. No two people or businesses are the same.  



Taking a break for your health 

There are obviously myriad personal benefits to taking a break from your business. It's healthy to take time away from your desk and to set clear boundaries between office hours and downtime, more so than ever when you work for yourself. Time to rest, recharge and reset by way of sleep, time away from your screen and fresh air is key to running a successful and resilient business.  

Mental health at work   

We often talk about the importance of mental health at work, but what's the deal when you work for yourself? Can you take a mental health day in the same way that you might be able to when employed by a larger company if you're a freelancer?   

The answer is yes, of course you can. Taking a mental health day when you feel you need one will always pay off in the long term – you run your business so much more effectively if you're in good health. Burnout is a very real condition, especially for female entrepreneurs so check in with your mental health often and take that day if you need it.   

Will taking a break affect financial wellbeing?  

As a business owner, breaks are something you'll have to budget for. No one wants to have to decide between their financial wellbeing and their health, so if you're self employed, this is something to take into account. Budget for holidays. digital detoxes, mental health days and away days for big-picture thinking and unlocking creativity.   

Ensure that you respect your breaks as much as your working days and factor them into your monthly and yearly calendars. This way, you'll always have time for new ideas and innovations, for rest and for self care. Not to mention time with your friends, family and loved ones. Allow yourself this time, it counts towards your future wins.

Your rest is essential to your success  

Ultimately, recognising when and how to take breaks from your business is essential to establishing a healthy work/life balance – something every entrepreneur seeks to achieve. There’s no right way to take a break, but remember that rest equals success and that behind every successful business is a person who values every step of the process.      


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